Very much a nice looking building. Has some character unlike the beige architecture, or worse the fast food style.
They can't even give away mags now
the scottish jdubs are having tours of their refurbished hall.
won't that be a super fun day for the people of haddington!?😂.
"hello, here's the foyer leading into the main hall, there's the ladies, gents, and baby changing facility.
Very much a nice looking building. Has some character unlike the beige architecture, or worse the fast food style.
They can't even give away mags now
i have run across another jw death where the final wishes are for no service.
3rd or 4th instance.
another wanted a celebration of life which the elders squelched as far as i know.
Blues. I meant funeral in the general sense of remembrance. I cant remember the last time the body was present or displayed.
Nowwhat. The adjustment was barely an improvement. I really hated the: "so and so wanted me to tell you---". No he didn't. The last memorial at the hall actually had applause like a sunday talk. Tacky! The zoom messes were even worse.
A wake ( surely pagan), or celebration of life is better.
As I said, some people seem to be pimo and their last wishes reflect it. I am because of family, especially the old ones who need the delusion intact. If I am donated, stuffed, frozen; I wont b e there to witness it.
i have run across another jw death where the final wishes are for no service.
3rd or 4th instance.
another wanted a celebration of life which the elders squelched as far as i know.
I have run across another JW death where the final wishes are for no service. 3rd or 4th instance. Another wanted a celebration of life which the elders squelched as far as I know. If the family did one we were not told.
Are these pimo people? Or disappointed in the false promises?
Years ago an elderly man converted, his family stated they would not attend a memorial so the elders refused to do any service because there was no one to witness to. That really hurt his friends at the hall.
I fully intend to not have a talk. Cheese, wine, and a few memories. As stated here before, JW funerals are the worst. Be it noted that a family does not get closure without some sort of remembrance.
i was googling the subject and came across this story.
i just had an incredible phone conversation with a long-time jw who has strong "q-anon" "sovereign citizen" beliefs.
the wife(first gen) says she is not surprised.
Best explanation I've seen, and it is murky
i was googling the subject and came across this story.
i just had an incredible phone conversation with a long-time jw who has strong "q-anon" "sovereign citizen" beliefs.
the wife(first gen) says she is not surprised.
I'm an American and I dont know what it means.
Surveysare worded to get desired results. Seldom is there a place to explain shades of belief; you get A, B, C with no A1\2, or a compound question.
I do think there are too many background shadow people running things and too many beurocrats.
Im changing my name to None of the Above and running for president
this maybe should be in humor.
the movie is on tv right now.
the beautiful young people, chargers of fruit, unquestioning obedience, no work, background masters (gb?
Yes. What struck me is how close the scenario was to the paradise pictures, right down to bland smocks
this maybe should be in humor.
the movie is on tv right now.
the beautiful young people, chargers of fruit, unquestioning obedience, no work, background masters (gb?
Itt was TCM. They usually show once only. But it will repeat sometime or find it on a streaming service.
this maybe should be in humor.
the movie is on tv right now.
the beautiful young people, chargers of fruit, unquestioning obedience, no work, background masters (gb?
This maybe should be in humor. The movie is on tv right now. The beautiful young people, chargers of fruit, unquestioning obedience, no work, background masters (GB?) Look exactly like a convention video or the water color illustrations. Right down to ignoring any research or curiosity-crumbling books.
Did Russell read HG Wells?
The old adage is taxes reduce participation in activities. Tax employment, fewer jobs, tax property, fewer property owners. The loopholes, special interests,, and underground economy are a concern. The graft is a problem too; for instance, road, fuel taxes used for bike paths
there seems to be a difference of opinion between geoffrey jackson and tonny morris on how to deal with their feelings towards worldly people.geoffrey jackson made a point to say in his talk that jesus wept for the wicked in jerusalem but following that bloodthirsty tony morris in his talk wants the demon stirred wicked humanity gone..
Those narrators do get annoying, thinking they are more important.
The booze thing is notable only in that you are supposed to be at meeting or service sunday morning. They pound that and that the GB are ordinary members like the rest of us. It was an older Cadillac, dolled up chevy type. He does have the mannerism of a drunk which is the core point.